What are Media FAM Trips? or Press Trips
First of all, you may wonder What are Media FAM Trips? A Media FAM trip is a Media Familiarization trip, offered to media on behalf of an organization to get the media familiar with their destination and services. They are also called Press Trips. They can be either a...

We are Seniorpreneurs…like WTF!
A few years ago, we were interviewed by Huffington Post. When the article came out, they referred to us as seniorpreneurs. I was like, WTF!? Ok, we may be a little older, w…

The Importance of Teamwork in the Workplace
My husband Gordon and I work together, day in and day out, and trust me, The Importance of Teamwork in the Workplace can not be underestimated. Not only do we live together, but we work together 24/7. It is all about effective communication, sharing a common goal,...

TBEX Experts Share Some Handy Tips
We asked some TBEX Experts to Share Some Handy Tips about their experiences at TBEX Manila. For many this was not their first TBEX. We have divided the responses into the various sections of the conference. If you are new to TBEX or considering whether you should...

I Interview Myself about Virtual Friends
There are many advantages of making Virtual Friends if you are a Travel Blogger, or for that matter, if you do any work online. If you have chosen to be a blogger as your profession - and it should be treated as a business from the start - then having a support...

6 Hacks to UPSELL Yourself
6 Hacks to UPSELL Yourself, where the bottom line is if you don’t upsell yourself, who else will? “The story of the human race is the story of men and women selling themselves short.” Abraham Maslow It is a common problem with people to undersell themselves, to not...

Don’t be afraid to ask a question?
Don’t be afraid to ask a question? If you don’t ask, then you already know the answer. It is no. If a baby cries, they are asking for something, and the answer would rarely be no. If they are hungry, they ask for food in their inimitable way, and the answer will...

ThePlanetd – Advice for New Travel Bloggers.
When you start a blog what you definitely want and appreciate is Advice for New Travel Bloggers. What better way to do this, than to have the guts to go to the top and ask for help. A huge thank you to Dave and Deb of ThePlanetD for agreeing to be interviewed by me....

My personal interview with David Thompson of Daves Travel Corner
If you are looking for advice on how to run a successful travel blog, then go for a known and established professional to get some advice. This is my personal interview with David Thompson of Daves Travel Corner. I think anyone who is anyone knows of the highly...