by Paula McInerney | May 5, 2014 | DESTINATIONS, FOOD AND DRINK, Japan
Food is integral to our travels. It is a big part of us being able to understand other cultures and to experience what is the norm for locals. I like to cook and I also apprec…
The Color Run comes to the village green in the Gong I love quirky festivals and The Color Run promises to be that and a lot more. This is a fun “run” wit…
by Paula McInerney | Apr 27, 2014 | DESTINATIONS, Rome, SEE
Rome is iconic for a reason. Rome has always been known as the eternal city, even in ancient times. The Romans considered themselves invincible and for a long time they …
by Paula McInerney | Apr 23, 2014 | CULTURE and LIFESTYLE, DESTINATIONS, Japan
There is etiquette involved in having an onsen in Japan, and it is worth reading How to use an onsen in Japan. It is worth every second of ‘trying’ to get it right. We travel...
by Paula McInerney | Apr 22, 2014 | DESTINATIONS, Ghent, SEE
Exploring the Castle of the Count Ghent – Belgium We had arrived in Ghent, Belgium for a weeks stay and, as you do, went exploring immediately. We started w…
by Paula McInerney | Apr 21, 2014 | CULTURE and LIFESTYLE, DESTINATIONS, Switzerland
I had bugged Gordon about wanting to see cows with cowbells ringing loudly when we were in Switzerland and preferably they should be wearing flowers around...