Contented Traveller

You’ve Worked Hard. You’ve Earned it. Just Travel.

“It’s All about Serendipity”

"You only earn karma points for unselfish deeds. Not for premeditated acts of point scoring" .... Gordon Arthur



Media Kit, February, 2015 We are Paula and Gordon, who are apparently Baby Boomers. We are destination and experience marketers. We like the shabby chic houseboat in Amsterdam, the surrealistic art gallery in Strasbourg, the tatami mat in a ryokan in Japan, the cave...

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Nozawa’s own Olympic darling competes today

Nozawa’s own Olympic darling competes today in the winter Olymoics   Manami Mitsuboshi Ueno will today compete in the women's half pipe event in freestyle skiing at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. To say that Nozawa Onsen, the home village of her...

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25 Do’s and Don’ts in Japan

We are sharing the 25 Do's and Don'ts in Japan so that you have some insight into what you should and shouldn't do in this country of the rising sun. Of course, some are tongue in cheek, but others are quite straightforward. Japan is one of the most culturally...

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A Romantic Weekend in Colmar France

It is not difficult to have a romantic weekend in Colmar France, as this is a village that fairytales are made of. Colmar is located in the Alsace Region of France, a hot spot tourist destination,  and lies close to the stunning French city of Strasbourg. It is 44...

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About Us

We are Paula and Gordon, Award Winning Travel Writers

We love experiencing a country, city or place by connecting to its history, people and culture.

We know that today’s traveller seek experiences, because that is what we also do.

Find out more about us right here

We are Paula and Gordon,

Award Winning Travel Writers

We love experiencing a country, city or place by connecting to its history, people and culture.

We know that today’s traveller seeks experiences, because that is what we also do.

Find out more about us right here

Working With Contented Traveller

Media Kit

Contented Traveller is read in 130+ countries. Our readers are modern, open-minded and socially responsible individuals with a very strong interest in travelling, cultural destinations and looking for something that is unique.


Contented Traveller is a Travel Business. As such we like to work with other businesses on mutually beneficial projects.We have worked with many travel companies, hotels, tourism boards to bring the latest travel trends to our readers.


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