by Paula McInerney | Mar 11, 2016 | DESTINATIONS, Venezuala
A Venezuela Adventure Guide by Will Hatton, Writer and photographer at The Broke Backpacker. Adventurer and Vagabond. I asked Will Hatton to write about his adven…
by Paula McInerney | Apr 10, 2015 | Cochabamba, DESTINATIONS, OUTSIDE MY FRONT DOOR
Cochabamba, Boliva is a city in the centre of the country. A cable car leads to the massive Cristo de la Concordia statue with views of the surrounding area. In the city&#…
by Paula McInerney | Jul 31, 2014 | DESTINATIONS, Grenada, Grenada
Let’s look at Grenada from people who know, in the Outside my Front Door series. Outside my Front Door is a series of posts by fellow travel bloggers who share what...
by Paula McInerney | Jul 10, 2014 | DESTINATIONS, OUTSIDE MY FRONT DOOR, Paraguay
Outside my Front Door is a series of posts by fellow travel bloggers who share what is … outside of their own front door Kelley Matney of Move By Yourself is a...
by Paula McInerney | Feb 27, 2014 | Bolivia, DESTINATIONS
Bolivia is a beautiful country, and Sucre is said to be one of Bolivia’s most beautiful cities. Outside my Front Door is a series of posts by fellow travel...
by Paula McInerney | Nov 26, 2013 | DESTINATIONS, Peru, SOUTH AMERICA
Peru is a country in South America, where the old and the new work in total harmony. Why do all of our family and friends want to go back to Peru? It would appear that the...